Deep industry and functional competencies
We understand well the specifics of complex engineering in the investment field, and the peculiarities of technological engineering, which is widely in demand at the stages of operation of oil and gas refining and petrochemical industries.
At the stage of facility operation, our work is not limited to developing recommendations and conducting pilot runs.
Our expert teams work closely with customers at their facilities to help them achieve tangible and measurable results - sustainable transformational impact and long-term performance improvement.
The main thing is that we know how to help clients achieve the desired results - fast, significant and measurable improvements in production performance, lower capital and operating costs, improved quality and shorter capital construction times.
Our main approach
The value-based approach to project implementation is
Identification of sources of value creation / preservation.
Before starting each project, we identify the sources of value creation -
we determine the mutual influence of factors and, on the basis of the functional-cost analysis, we determine the "points of application of efforts" work with which will increase income and increase the efficiency of the capital project.
When developing design solutions, we on an ongoing basis assess their effectiveness in terms of timing, cost and volume of construction and installation work.
The customer is offered the most optimal options that allow for the fastest return on capital investments.
Our Customers can be sure that they will receive a high-quality result, combining advanced developments and the accumulated experience of professionals.
The design process is not an end in itself. The activities of the design organization are aimed at assisting customers in the implementation of their investment plans.
In relations with our Customers, we try to accept the role of not just a drawing developer, but an expert and consultant.
When developing projects, we are guided by the principle of optimality, successfully combining in our technical solutions the achievement of standard indicators, reasonable cost and implementation time.
The best specialists
The expert network of NNGP LLC brings together the leading industry specialists of the highest level, capable of efficiently completing a project of any scale in the shortest possible time.
Our design engineers and expert consultants have the broadest skill set and deep knowledge
in their directions. NNGP LLC's team of experts consists of highly qualified specialists,
with extensive experience in the oil and gas and petrochemical industries, acquired over the years of working with leading domestic and foreign companies.
We take into account the needs of customers
We are sincerely interested in our intellectual capital bringing high dividends to our customers through the implementation in their projects of comprehensively thought out, holistic technical solutions that allow us to have additional
strategic and operational advantages over competitors.
We use flexible models of cooperation and provide high-level service.
Although we have a complex of previously developed, implemented and time-tested solutions, we do not offer "ready-made templates", but create unique solutions based on the specifics of the construction site and customer demands. In addition, we actively develop the competencies of our customers' employees and transfer the accumulated knowledge (Client Project Engineer), so that the acquired knowledge will provide them with benefits in the future, after completion project with NNGP LLC.
Increasing competitiveness and continuous improvement of internal processes
Modern trends in technology development, changing demand for refined products and the trend for petrochemicals require the design organization to be flexible and ready to make new, often innovative, solutions.
In order to be able to quickly respond to changing market conditions, an organization must have a wide range of competencies and software products that meet customer requests and requirements.
We strive to constantly improve our competitiveness by studying trends in the development of the oil and gas processing industry, current changes in the regulatory framework, calculation software products that appear on the market.
We organize training for our employees on an ongoing basis, both in order to improve existing qualifications and to acquire new skills.
Also, our company financially encourages employees' initiatives aimed at optimizing and automating tasks of the same type, developing and improving existing design solutions.
Main office address
Nizhny Novgorod
603024, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Maxim Gorky, 195, Room P 9 (floor 12)
603024, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Turgeneva, 30 building 6
Reception: +7 (831) 266 07 77
Main office address
«Center for Gas Chemical Technologies, Alternative Energy and Ecology»
355035, Russian Federation, Stavropol, 7 Marshal Zhukov str.
Reception: +7 (865) 220 55 30