When working with personnel, we are guided by the following principle:
To maximize and realize the intellectual potential of our employees in the interests of developing the business of our Customers.
Employees are a key resource, and hence the main value of a project organization, especially in narrow-profile industries.
We consider the popularization of the project direction, the attraction of young specialists and the preservation of human resources as our priority task.
Cooperation with educational institutions
NNGP LLC signed an agreement on cooperation on scientific and educational projects with leading technical universities in the regions of presence.
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University R.E. Alekseeva
Dzerzhinsk Polytechnic Institute
North Caucasus Federal University
We look forward to long-term cooperation and are ready to create a new approach to teaching students. We believe that in the new economy - the "knowledge economy", it is necessary to rely on a practice-oriented format education. This will help close the gap in competencies between university graduates and employers' requirements.
We are ready to offer students an internship within the walls of our company.
They will be able to find practical application of their theoretical knowledge, learn from the experience of our design specialists and take the first step towards immersion in a professional environment.
We are confident that in this way, together with a diploma of higher education, students will receive a real confirmation of their knowledge and become more in demand on the labor market. The best students will be given the opportunity
further employment in NNGP LLC.
Students of secondary courses of universities, showing good results in their studies, can find a part-time job in our company, bringing a stable income and invaluable experience. Graduate students at work
will be able to collect material for the diploma.
Our employees who demonstrate initiative, consistently high professional skills and interest in development can count on various bonuses and incentives, both tangible and intangible.
NNGP LLC is a professional school that provides a unique opportunity to develop and become highly qualified specialists. Solving non-trivial and large-scale engineering tasks on a daily basis, working in a team with talented and successful people, each of us gets unlimited opportunities for our own professional growth and potential realization.
Our employees who demonstrate initiative, consistently high professional skills and interest in development can count on various bonuses and incentives, both material and non-material.
We find and recruit both professionals with significant engineering experience and talented young professionals to work in the organization, and we do everything possible to ensure that they achieve success, opening up opportunities for them to continue
professional and personal growth.
NNGP LLC pays great attention to training its employees, which they receive both in the process of working on projects that are unique in their scale, and during training in refresher courses and practice-oriented
internal training programs that have proven their worth over the years of the Institute's functioning in the LUKOIL Group. The principle of teamwork involves constant exchange of experience and communication with wonderful, erudite
people, strong relationships with whom are maintained for many years.
Apply for job
If you would like to join our team, fill out the candidate form below,
attach your resume
Main office address
Nizhny Novgorod
603006, Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, 147A, Maxim Gorky str.
Reception: +7 (831) 266 07 77
E-mail: info@nngproekt.ru
Main office address
«Center for Gas Chemical Technologies, Alternative Energy and Ecology»
355035, Russian Federation, Stavropol, 7 Marshal Zhukov str.
Reception: +7 (865) 220 55 30