Design and supply management
Design and supply management
The implementation of large construction projects usually involves many different parties (surveyors, designers, builders, suppliers, etc.).
Each participant in the construction process has their own interests, which often contradict the interests of others. Each of the participants, as a rule,
in parallel he is engaged in other projects, so it is required to distribute attention between them.
So that all their stormy activities at your facility do not resemble the plot of a famous fable, the actions of all participants in the construction must be coordinated,
reasonable and timely. This requires a single organizational center that will take over the planning and coordination of all aspects of the design and delivery process.
Engaging the design and supply management service of NNGP, you will receive professional optimization of the design, delivery and, as a result, the construction of the facility.
Ensuring the purposeful activities of all participants in the construction process in strict accordance with the schedule is a difficult problem today.
One way to solve this problem is to delegate design and supply management to a specialized organization.
NNGP provides the following design management services:
selection of a design organization for the development of design documentation (stage "P");
preparation of a design assignment;
control over the timing, volume and quality of the design work performed;
organization and technical support for the state or non-state examination of project documentation;
carrying out incoming control of project documentation and its approval based on the results of the examination;
preparation of a package of documents for obtaining a building permit and obtaining a building permit;
selection of a design organization for the development of working documentation (stage "P");
preparation of an assignment for the development of working documentation;
control over the timing, volume and quality of the developed working documentation;
incoming control of working documentation and its approval "for production";
interaction with the state construction supervision authorities during inspections at the construction site;
control over changes to the working and project documentation;
organization of re-examination in case of changes in the design documentation that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility;
organization of the necessary tests and the formation of a package of documents to obtain an opinion on the commissioning of the facility.
Supply management is ensured through the implementation of the following processes:
planning supplies;
selection of suppliers;
administration of contracts.
The procurement planning process is usually carried out early in the project. The basis for effective procurement management in a project is laid precisely in the course of supply planning. During the implementation of supplies, NNGP will provide competent technical advice to all participants in the process.