Research & development
Research & development
Research & development are performed in a separate division of the company in Stavropol - "
Center for Gas Chemical Technologies, Alternative Energy and Ecology ”. The staff of the Center includes 4 doctors of sciences, 7 candidates of sciences and 5 graduate students.
Within the framework of cooperation with leading industry research centers and educational institutions, the employees of the Center carry out research activities.
The efforts of the Center's employees are aimed at finding comprehensive solutions to increase the competitiveness of Russian petrochemical plants.
Research is currently underway in the following areas:
Adsorption technologies for the preparation of natural gas for liquefaction (fine purification).
Technologies for simultaneous drying and stripping of natural gas.
Development of a unique energy-efficient low-temperature associated petroleum gas processing technology.
Technologies for the preparation and purification of landfill gases and biogas with a significant degree of pollution.
Synthesis of biocomponents of fuels (biodiesel, biojet, bioethanol, biocomponents of polymers).
Marketing research of target product markets.
Elaboration of initiatives for the development of low-tonnage production and consumption of LNG.
The use of innovative materials in construction.
Processing of traditional fuel fractions into components of petrochemical synthesis.
Conversion of methane into chemical synthesis products.
Development of alternative software for calculating chemical technological processes and chemical technology devices
Optimization of oil production and refining processes in order to increase the degree of utilization of associated petroleum gas.